Understanding the Relationship Between Mood Engagement via Social Media Among Youngsters

  • Latifah Abd Latib Senior Lecturer
  • Hema Subramaniam
  • Siti Khadijah Ramli
Keywords: Mental health, Mood engagement severity, Multi-age group, Social media usage, Youngsters


Social media usage severity among different age groups of youngsters is essential. Youngsters can be in the range of 13-30 years old but since this is a larger population, we face difficulty in providing mental health awareness programs to them. Understanding the specific age group could solve this issue. So the study aims to investigate social media mood engagement among different age groups of youngsters., examining the relationship between youngsters' age and mood participation on social media, and investigating the relationship between social media usage severity and mood engagement level. A web-based cross-sectional survey was conducted among 386 youngsters between the ages of 13 and 29 years old, recruited from secondary school, university students, and recent graduates with early careers. The identified data were gathered, and saved online before being exported and analysed in IBM SPSS Statistics (v26). The analysis includes the participants' exploratory analysis, analysis of variance (ANOVA), and post hoc tests. The survey's Cronbach's alpha was 0.751. The test indicated that the mean score for secondary school students (M = 1.04 and SD = 0.313) was significantly different from university students (M = 1.23 and SD = 0.675) that are also differed significantly from fresh graduates with early careers (M = 2.09 and SD = 0.995). The university students did not manage to control their emotions by posting pictures of their emotions on social media while the fresh graduates with early careers expressed negative emotions through social media. This study helps to comprehend youngsters' concerns.


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How to Cite
Latib, L., Subramaniam, H., & Ramli, S. K. (2023). Understanding the Relationship Between Mood Engagement via Social Media Among Youngsters. Selangor Science & Technology Review (SeSTeR), 7(2), PREPRINT. Retrieved from https://sester.journals.unisel.edu.my/ojs/index.php/sester/article/view/322