Development of IoT Based Load Carrier

  • Mohammad Emran Rusli Unisel
  • Thayananta Nedunchezian Department of Engineering, Faculty of Engineering and Life Sciences, University Selangor
Keywords: Android Controller, Portable Robot, Pulse Width Modulation., Shopping Trolley


A shopping trolley is supplied by the supermarket, grocery store, etc, for use by customers or consumers inside the shop for transport of their grocery things. However, there are safety issues of these shopping trolley that imposes problems to humans. The major problem in using shopping trolley is the difficulty to use by different age group of people particularly old age people by carrying overweight. Therefore, a motorized wheel and obstacles avoidance sensor shopping trolley control by a smartphone system controller is evolved to reduce these problems. This project aims to develop and design a prototype motorized portable robot based on an electric DC motor with the smartphone control system to control the movement of the trolley by an android application with teleoperate based on IOT(Arduino) method. Meanwhile, a portable robot can easily be installed under shopping trolleys. In addition, study and analyse the load and no-load speed on the prototype with varying duty cycle (0% to 100%) of pulse width modulation (PWM) Arduino for finding the suitable speed for the prototype. The speed selection based on human average walking speed behaviour is 1.01 ms-1. It was found that an acceptable speed was recorded for the prototype at 40% of the duty cycle. As conclusion all objectives of this research have been achieved, according to the findings of several analysis.


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How to Cite
Rusli, M. E., & Nedunchezian, T. (2023). Development of IoT Based Load Carrier. Selangor Science & Technology Review (SeSTeR), 7(2), PREPRINT. Retrieved from