Exploring Aesthetic Values in Product Design Skill For TVET Programs Through Computer Aided Design Module
In the era of globalization, product design innovation is essential in daily human life. Innovation is imperative to the advancement of society, especially towards the need for problem-solving. This relation has seen the expansion of design innovation in the education sector increase tremendously over the past years. Computer-Aided Design (CAD) is a significant subject in the Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) program for product design creation. It is an important module that helps the younger generation to become more innovative. Nonetheless, the dependency on technology has seen drastic changes towards product creations. It is noticeable to see the lack of aesthetic valuing applied in creating design via CAD module. After that, it translated into the shortcoming in the final design outcomes. Despite the increasing dependency on CAD software, the conventional design process must always be systematic and aesthetically objectified. This study aims to find suitable aesthetic value factors adapted into the CAD learning program. A literature study was conducted by reviewing various articles and publications related to aesthetical context and product design skills. The result shows four main factors and nine sub-factors. They are product design requirement (functional value and social value), product design concept (form and colour), product design detailing (texture and material), and product design evaluation (safety, ergonomic and emotional value). The study also explores and develops a theoretical framework for teaching and learning the CAD module.
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