The Role of EdTech in Enhancing Learners' Motivation
Today, technology is influencing the education sector all around the world in extraordinary manners. Technology can help students in increasing their engagement and allow them to learn and retain more information. At the same time, educational technology (EdTech) can also work as the main force to enhance the motivation of students to perform better. The factors related to EdTech, like user-friendliness, psychological satisfaction, and curiosity of users for new learning tools, contribute efficiently to enhancing the motivation of students in the long run. This study investigates the positive role of EdTech on student learning and explores the ways technology can be used to enhance the motivation of learners. Useful recommendations have been offered that will help future researchers and EdTech developers to work on tools and applications that will play important roles in enhancing the learners' motivation. In addition, it will analyse how enhanced motivation will have positive impacts to ensure the success of learners in their academic and professional life in future.
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