Error Review of Single Iteration Explicit Approximations of Colebrook's Equation

  • Nurudin A.S Unisel
Keywords: Colebrook's equation, Darcy friction factor


This paper reviews the common single iteration of explicit equations for estimating the friction factor in pipes. The friction factor values were computed using Microsoft Excel. Using absolute error, relative percentage error, mean absolute error (MAE), mean square error (MSE), and root mean square error (RMSE), the Colebrook’s equation comparison was expressed. The best equation to estimate the friction factor was Beluco-Schettini when looking at the average error, MSE, and RMSE. In contrast, of all the equations, the Haaland equation is the most consistent.


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How to Cite
A.S, N. (2021). Error Review of Single Iteration Explicit Approximations of Colebrook’s Equation. Selangor Science & Technology Review (SeSTeR), 5(1), 22-30. Retrieved from